
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Inspired by Fall Colors

A month or so ago I spent the whole morning skulking around the sides of the roads here that lead to the mountain. Cars were whizzing by me, but I just tuned them out and focused on the gorgeous views in front of me. I remembered what a local landscape photographer once told me about capturing grand views and how you have to be careful not to get so much into the composition that there is no focal point. I think I did that here.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog! I will be sharing my photographic images here and look forward to your comments. If you are a photographer, please share your images with me, too.

I am passionate about photography, having grown up in a home with parents who were both photographers. I always wanted to make my living as a photographer, like Dorothea Lange, but never pursued it, wrongly thinking everyone else is better at it than me. Until now. Now I make it my business to make images daily if possible, and try more and more to make images that say something to me. This is the best way I can express myself these days. I try to see with new eyes every day.
I took this picture of fall leaves while I was waiting to pick up my son from art class last Saturday. The sun was starting to get low in the sky, and that warm glow together with all the shades of yellows and rusts and browns was what I wanted to capture.

This picture is of a carrier pigeon held by a friend who just started quite a collection of carriers. I had never really looked at these interesting birds before, but they are like the most streetwise birds you'll ever see -- they're tough and stylish and confident. Beautiful!